Blog Archives

SSL Certificates

SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer, a global standard security technology adopted by Netscape in 1994. SSL is designed to establish encryption and identity assurance. It enables encrypted communication between a web server and a web browser. SSL ensures that all data passed between the web server and browser remains private and secure.

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Posted in Customer Service

Welcome to our new site.

We would like to welcome you to our new website to go along with our new hosting servers we have just completed upgrading to.  These new servers and our new website will allow us to better communicate with our clients and you with yours.

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Posted in Customer Service

Support System Updated

We have just completed the upgrade of the Support System to the newest version.  If you notice any problems, please let us know.  The support system and knowledge base can be found at

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Posted in Customer Service

Technical Block?

If you have a Technical Block on your account this might be because you have not responded to our communications which went on December 5th, 10th, 17th, and 26th concerning updating your billing information.  To remove this block you are can fill out the following form and if you have not provided your billing information,

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Posted in Customer Service

Compudata Services, Inc.

It is with much regret due to the unexpected death of Jim Clark with Compudata Services, Inc.  Micro Concepts of Chesterfield will be assuming your web and email services.  Micro Concepts of Chesterfield has been in business for over 25 years and have providing internet hosting since before 1997.

We are the owners of the servers which Compudata Services,

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Posted in Customer Service

VM on Dedicated

We have installed CloudLinux on all servers as well as CageFS.  This fantastic OS allows us to set each user to a dedicated VM within the Dedicated Servers.  This means that if one client is attacked, hacked, or abuses the resources on the server it will only affect their account and not the entire server.  

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Posted in Customer Service

MySQL Outage

There is a MySQL outage which is causing some issues with some of the sites. If your site is showing a connection error, this is due to the MySQL issue which is currently being worked. Please bare with us as we have teams working to resolve this issue.

This issue has been resolved and all sites are working as designed.

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Posted in Customer Service

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